Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Lahore

Do you want to build a successful career in digital marketing and become a leading digital marketing professional? Join DMT’s best digital marketing course in Lahore to learn basic and advanced concepts from scratch.

This is regular digital marketing training led by an experienced trainer who has been in the field for over 17 years. During the course you will learn and practice SEO, social media marketing, Google Ads and PPC advertising, blogging, affiliate marketing, YouTube marketing, content marketing, email marketing and 17+ more modules.

Digital Marketing Services in Lahore

Upcoming Batch Details

Course NameMode of TrainingTrainerStarting DateTimingDays
SEO TrainingOn-campus  M. Aleem Akhtar29 July, 202411:30- 12:30 PMM/T/W/T
M. Naeem Akhtar26 July, 20247:30- 8:30 PMM/W/F
SEO TrainingOnline ClassM. Aleem Akhtar27 July, 20247:30 – 9:00 PMS/S
SEO TrainingWeekend ClassMiss Shahnaz27 July, 20241:00 – 4:00 PMSaturday Only
Social Media Training On-campusM. Naeem Akhtar10 July, 20246:15- 7:30 PMM/W/F
Graphic Designing & Video EditingOn-campusMS. Muntaha Hussain30 July, 20246:00 – 7:00 PMT/T/S
Full-Stack WordPress CourseOn-campusAsif Raza29 july, 20246:00- 7:00 PMM/W/F
Shopify Ecommerce CourseOn-campusM. Naeem Akhtar17 July , 20248.30 – 10.00 PMW/F
Learn EnglishOn-campusMs. Aasiya Samad 11:30-12:30 PMM/T/W/T/F

Digital Marketing Course Fees

PKR 22,000/-

Registration fee 2000/-

About the Digital Marketing Certificate Course

The digital marketing industry is evolving rapidly. It’s now a fast-growing career, and the demand for qualified online marketers will only increase in the years to come.

By developing essential skills, you can make the most of this growing field and build a great career. At DMT, we have been offering digital marketing courses in Pakistan since 2005 with certificates and guaranteed placement. Over these years, we have understood the expectations of our students and have designed our curriculum accordingly. This has made us one of the best digital marketing institutes in the country.

Whether you are a student, a fresh graduate, a job seeker, an existing digital marketer, a freelancer, a business owner or someone who wants to grow in this field, our strategic digital marketing course is for you.

With this course you can become a digital marketing manager, SEO expert, PPC expert, content marketer, YouTube manager, social media manager or even start your own agency.

Digital Marketing Services in Lahore

Digital Marketing Course Content and Curriculum

Well-structured & comprehensive curriculum designed according to latest trends and industry standards!

Introduction to Facebook
  • Overview of Facebook's history and significance in the digital landscape
  • Understanding the demographics and user base of Facebook
  • Exploring the different features and functionalities of Facebook
Creating and Managing Facebook Pages
  • Setting up a Facebook Page for businesses, organizations, or public figures
  • Optimizing Page settings and information
  • Understanding the different types of content you can post on a Page
Engaging Content Creation
  • Best practices for creating compelling posts, images, and videos
  • Understanding the importance of storytelling and visual appeal
  • Using Facebook Insights to analyze the performance of your content
Building and Growing a Facebook Community
  • Strategies for increasing Page likes and followers
  • Engaging with your audience through polls, questions, and contests
  • Leveraging Facebook Groups to foster a sense of community around your brand or cause
Introduction to Facebook Advertising
  • Overview of Facebook Ads and its importance in digital marketing
  • Understanding the benefits of advertising on Facebook
  • Exploring different types of Facebook ad formats and objectives
Setting up Facebook Ads Manager
  • Creating a Facebook Business Manager account
  • Navigating the Ads Manager interface
  • Understanding account structure, permissions, and roles
Defining Campaign Objectives and Target Audience
  • Identifying campaign objectives: awareness, consideration, conversion
  • Defining target audience demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Utilizing Facebook's audience targeting options effectively
Creating Compelling Ad Creative
  • Best practices for creating attention-grabbing ad copy and visuals
  • Optimizing ad creative for different ad formats (carousel, single image, video)
  • A/B testing ad variations to determine the most effective messaging and imagery
Understanding Ad Placement and Budgeting
  • Exploring different ad placement options: Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, Messenger
  • Setting ad budgets and bidding strategies
  • Understanding ad delivery and optimization techniques
Advanced Targeting and Custom Audiences
  • Creating custom audiences based on website visitors, email lists, app users, etc.
  • Utilizing lookalike audiences to reach new users similar to your existing customers
  • Implementing advanced targeting strategies using demographics, interests, and behaviors
Implementing Facebook Pixel and Conversion Tracking
  • Installing and configuring the Facebook Pixel on your website
  • Setting up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your ads
  • Using pixel data to optimize ad campaigns and retarget website visitors
Creating and Optimizing Ad Campaigns
  • Step-by-step guide to creating ad campaigns in Ads Manager
  • Monitoring ad performance metrics (CTR, CPC, ROAS, etc.) and making data-driven optimizations
  • Scaling successful campaigns and identifying opportunities for growth
Retargeting and Remarketing Strategies
  • Implementing retargeting campaigns to re-engage with website visitors who didn't convert
  • Crafting compelling retargeting ads to incentivize action from previous site visitors
  • Setting up dynamic product ads to showcase relevant products to interested users
Compliance and Ad Policies
  • Understanding Facebook's advertising policies and community standards
  • Ensuring compliance with ad guidelines to prevent ad disapproval or account suspension
  • Tips for creating ads that adhere to Facebook's policies while still being effective
Case Studies and Success Stories
  • Analyzing real-world examples of successful Facebook ad campaigns
  • Learning from case studies to understand strategies, tactics, and best practices
  • Drawing insights and inspiration for creating impactful ad campaigns
Introduction to Instagram Advertising
  • Overview of Instagram as a powerful advertising platform
  • Understanding the benefits of advertising on Instagram
  • Exploring different types of Instagram ad formats and objectives
Setting Up Instagram Ads Manager
  • Creating an Instagram Business account or linking to a Facebook Page
  • Accessing Ads Manager through Facebook Business Manager
  • Navigating the Ads Manager interface and understanding account structure
Defining Campaign Objectives and Target Audience
  • Identifying campaign objectives: awareness, consideration, conversion
  • Defining target audience demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Utilizing Instagram's audience targeting options effectively
Creating Compelling Ad Creative for Instagram
  • Best practices for creating visually appealing ad content
  • Optimizing ad creative for different Instagram ad formats (feed, stories, carousel)
  • A/B testing ad variations to determine the most effective messaging and imagery
Understanding Ad Placement and Budgeting
  • Exploring different ad placement options: Instagram feed, stories, explore page
  • Setting ad budgets and bidding strategies specific to Instagram
  • Understanding ad delivery and optimization techniques for Instagram ads
Leveraging Instagram Stories Ads
  • Understanding the unique features and benefits of Instagram Stories ads
  • Creating immersive and engaging ad experiences for Instagram Stories
  • Utilizing interactive elements like polls, stickers, and swipe-up links
Implementing Instagram Shopping and Product Tags
  • Setting up Instagram Shopping to tag products in organic posts and stories
  • Creating shoppable posts and ads to drive sales directly from Instagram
  • Leveraging product tags and shopping features for e-commerce businesses
Utilizing Influencer Marketing on Instagram
  • Understanding the role of influencers in Instagram advertising
  • Identifying and partnering with relevant influencers for your brand or campaign
  • Developing effective influencer marketing strategies and measuring ROI
Tracking and Measuring Ad Performance
  • Setting up Instagram Pixel for tracking website conversions and events
  • Monitoring ad performance metrics (CTR, CPC, ROAS, etc.) in Ads Manager
  • Analyzing Instagram Insights to gain insights into audience demographics, engagement, and behavior
Creative Strategies for Instagram Ads
  • Crafting compelling ad narratives and storytelling for Instagram
  • Incorporating user-generated content (UGC) and behind-the-scenes content in ads
  • Creating visually stunning ads that align with Instagram's aesthetic and appeal to users
Compliance and Ad Policies
  • Understanding Instagram's advertising policies and community guidelines
  • Ensuring compliance with ad guidelines to prevent ad disapproval or account suspension
  • Tips for creating ads that adhere to Instagram's policies while still being effective
Introduction to YouTube as a Marketing Platform
  • Overview of YouTube's significance in digital marketing
  • Understanding the benefits of creating and managing a YouTube channel
  • Exploring the different types of content and advertising opportunities on YouTube
Setting Up and Optimizing a YouTube Channel
  • Step-by-step guide to creating a YouTube channel
  • Optimizing channel settings, branding, and layout
  • Understanding YouTube's algorithm and best practices for channel visibility
Content Strategy and Planning
  • Defining your target audience and content niche
  • Creating a content calendar and planning video topics
  • Incorporating SEO best practices to optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags
Video Production and Editing Basics
  • Overview of video production equipment and software tools
  • Tips for filming high-quality videos with smartphones or cameras
  • Introduction to video editing techniques and software options
Uploading and Publishing Videos
  • Step-by-step guide to uploading videos to YouTube
  • Understanding video privacy settings and publishing options
  • Optimizing video metadata and thumbnail images for better visibility
Building and Engaging Your Audience
  • Strategies for increasing subscriber count and building a loyal audience
  • Encouraging viewer engagement through likes, comments, and shares
  • Leveraging community features like polls, community posts, and live streaming
Monetization and YouTube Partner Program
  • Overview of YouTube's monetization options and eligibility criteria
  • Applying for and joining the YouTube Partner Program
  • Understanding ad revenue, channel memberships, and Super Chat
YouTube Advertising Options
  • Introduction to YouTube advertising formats: TrueView, Bumper, Display, Overlay, Sponsored Cards
  • Understanding targeting options and ad placements
  • Setting up and managing YouTube ad campaigns in Google Ads
Creating Effective YouTube Ads
  • Best practices for crafting compelling ad content and storytelling
  • Optimizing ad creative for different ad formats and placements
  • A/B testing ad variations to improve performance and ROI
Analyzing Performance and Optimization
  • Monitoring video performance metrics (views, watch time, engagement) in YouTube Analytics
  • Analyzing audience demographics, retention rates, and traffic sources
  • Making data-driven decisions to optimize content strategy and ad campaigns
YouTube Channel Growth Strategies
  • Strategies for increasing channel visibility and subscriber growth
  • Collaborating with other creators and participating in YouTube communities
  • Promoting your channel through social media, email marketing, and other channels
Compliance and Copyright Considerations
  • Understanding YouTube's community guidelines and copyright policies
  • Avoiding copyright infringement and content ID claims
  • Ensuring compliance with advertising policies and best practices
Introduction to LinkedIn as a Marketing Platform
  • Overview of LinkedIn's significance in B2B marketing
  • Understanding the benefits of creating and managing a LinkedIn Company Page
  • Exploring the different types of content and advertising opportunities on LinkedIn
Setting Up and Optimizing a LinkedIn Company Page
  1. Step-by-step guide to creating a LinkedIn Company Page
  2. Optimizing page settings, branding, and description
  3. Understanding LinkedIn's algorithm and best practices for page visibility
Content Strategy and Planning
  • Defining your target audience and content objectives
  • Creating a content calendar and planning post topics
  • Incorporating thought leadership and industry insights into your content strategy
Creating Engaging Content for LinkedIn
  • Best practices for creating compelling text posts, articles, and visual content
  • Leveraging multimedia formats like videos, infographics, and slideshows
  • Writing effective headlines and captions to capture the audience's attention
Building and Growing Your LinkedIn Audience
  • Strategies for increasing followers and engagement on your Company Page
  • Encouraging employee advocacy and participation in sharing company content
  • Leveraging LinkedIn Groups and events to expand your reach and network
LinkedIn Advertising Options
  • Introduction to LinkedIn advertising formats: Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Text Ads, Dynamic Ads
  • Understanding targeting options and ad placements
Creating Effective LinkedIn Ads
  • Best practices for crafting compelling ad copy and visuals
  • Optimizing ad creative for different ad formats and objectives
Targeting and Retargeting Strategies
  • Utilizing LinkedIn's targeting options to reach specific audience segments
  • Creating custom audiences based on job titles, industries, company size, etc.
  • Implementing retargeting campaigns to re-engage with website visitors or previous interactions
Tracking and Measuring Ad Performance
  • Monitoring ad performance metrics (click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per click) in Campaign Manager
  • Analyzing audience demographics, engagement, and conversion data
  • Making data-driven decisions to optimize ad targeting and creative
LinkedIn Analytics and Insights
  • Understanding LinkedIn Page analytics and performance metrics
  • Analyzing follower demographics, engagement trends, and content performance
  • Using insights to refine your content strategy and improve page performance
 Compliance and Ad Policies
  • Understanding LinkedIn's advertising policies and guidelines
  • Ensuring compliance with ad guidelines to prevent ad disapproval or account suspension
Case Studies and Success Stories
  • Analyzing real-world examples of successful LinkedIn Company Pages and ad campaigns
  • Learning from case studies to understand strategies, tactics, and best practices
  • Drawing insights and inspiration for building and growing your own LinkedIn presence

Why learn digital marketing with DMT?

Expert trainers

All digital marketing courses are taught by experienced trainers in their respective fields. All training is in-depth and easy to understand.

Interactive Live Classes

During the live digital marketing sessions, you can mute the audio, interact with the trainer and other listeners, ask questions, share opinions and accelerate your learning.

Access to Premium Tools

When working on projects, we give you access to the best SEO tools, including but not limited to SEMrush, Ahrefs, UberSuggest, Google Analytics, Yoast SEO and many more.

Completely practical

To offer you the best online digital marketing courses in Pakistan, we provide practical projects, work with the latest digital marketing tools and regular assignments.

100% job placement support

This is undoubtedly the best digital marketing course that help candidates with job placement. As a leading institute, we are associated with many companies in Pakistan. After completing the course, you will be capable enough to get hired by reputed companies.

Certificate in Digital Marketing

DMT is Pakistan's leading digital marketing institute. At the end of the course, you will get a professional certificate in digital marketing that will help you quickly explore different career options.

Digital Marketing Services in Lahore

It's time to Secure Your Future Career.

We know that we are influencing the foundations of your future and we take this responsibility very seriously. With DMT Training, I ensure that you always receive first-class training, complemented by practical projects and future perspectives. I wish you a successful and future-oriented career!

What Students Say About this Best Digital Marketing Course

We are proud to have positively impacted the career foundations of thousands of students in Pakistan.

We are proud to have positively impacted the career foundations of thousands of students in Pakistan. When I joined DMT's digital marketing training course I learnt that social media is much more than just trends. And now I feel like I know all the secrets of how to make one go viral. I loved the way they taught and it was also very good that they let me work on their own social media projects to gain practical experience.

Shakeel Ahmad

Digital marketing is very important for marketing in today's world. Anyone with a shop, business or startup should learn the basics of digital marketing to get the most out of the internet. I learnt just out of curiosity, but now I know how to turn these small businesses into big brands. I will use my practical knowledge for my family business and hopefully it will help me grow it remarkably and reach more people.

Rida Ansari

DMT's digital marketing trainings are great. They are designed in such a way that you engage with each topic and learn more. The teachers are very good and have deep knowledge of their subjects. I also liked that everyone in my group was so passionate about learning. So, everyone worked hard but it was fun. It felt fun to learn for the first time and I didn't want the course to end.

Kashif Hussain

DMT Digital Marketing training course has been an enriching experience for me. I learnt a lot of in-depth theoretical knowledge and gained practical experience. I felt great passion during the course and found the syllabus very interesting. It is designed in such a way that you gain total knowledge.

Nasir Butt

When I joined DMT's digital marketing training course I learnt that social media is much more than just trends. And now I feel like I know all the secrets of how to make one go viral. I loved the way they taught and it was also very good that they let me work on their own social media projects to gain practical experience.

Shakeel Ahmad

Digital marketing is very important for marketing in today's world. Anyone with a shop, business or startup should learn the basics of digital marketing to get the most out of the internet. I learnt just out of curiosity, but now I know how to turn these small businesses into big brands. I will use my practical knowledge for my family business and hopefully it will help me grow it remarkably and reach more people.

Rida Ansari

Book 2-Days of FREE Demo Classes of Our Advanced Digital Marketing Course!

Want to take a demo class before enrolling? Just fill-up the form to register yourself for Pakistan’s most trusted digital marketing and digital marketing courses.

FAQs About Digital Marketing Course

A digital marketing course is a skill-based training that helps you learn various in-demand skills such as SEO, SMM, Google Ads, PPC, YouTube Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing and much more. When you take this course from the best digital marketing institute in Pakistan like DMT, it will help you start a flourishing career and find high-paying jobs.

All our trainers are industry experts with 5 to 10 years of experience in online marketing. We also offer specialized trainers for specific modules.

That won't happen because our trainers will answer all your questions and clear your doubts, but if you still feel unsatisfied, you can contact our support team.

Yes, you will. After completing the entire course, we will issue you a professional digital marketing certificate that will help you explore great career opportunities.

Yes, you can. We offer two days of free demo lessons so that you can check the quality of our digital marketing course. If you are satisfied, you can register and start learning.

Yes, we do. DMT is one of the best digital marketing institutes in Pakistan. We have partnerships with 100+ startups and companies across the country. After the course, we help you prepare for interviews, and internships.

Yes, you can. Digital marketing is a unique and completely skill-based field that does not require a degree or prior experience. You can study Digital Marketing after grade 12 and build a career in this field.

There are several benefits of studying SEO and Digital Marketing. You can find many great opportunities in this field. For example, you can become an SEO expert, social media manager, YouTube marketer, PPC expert, email marketing expert, Google Ads expert, etc.

You can also start blogging, create a strategy for it, learn affiliate marketing and earn large amounts of passive income.

Also, if you have the right skills, you can create your own website, and SEO it to bring in relevant traffic, sell your products and services and grow a business.

Every business today is shifting online and needs a digital marketer to grow, with SEO, SMO, Ads, etc.

It’s your time to grab the opportunities!

Enroll in the Best Digital Marketing Course in Lahore!
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Google Ads
  • YouTube Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • PPC Advertising
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management

Other Relevant Courses

30-35 Hours
30-35 Hours
25-30 Hours

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