Do you want to increase your online sales?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Everyone wants to be ranked by high-frequency keywords. Who would not want to get a huge amount of traffic, conversions, and sales from a regular search? But not every business can be ranked by high-frequency keywords. With SEO Agency in Abu Dhabi will help to find in the field of super popular keywords, competition is much higher, that is, many more sites compete for a limited number of places on the first page of search engine results. What to do if you have a small business and a not very reputable site? Fortunately, there is a simple solution: use long-tail low-frequency keywords in your SEO strategy. Here are some more detailed tips.

Want to attract visitors who are looking for specific information about your business or are ready to make a purchase? How to do it? You can find keywords with weak competition and focus on them – so you will have a much better chance of a successful ranking. Here are four ways to identify low-frequency keywords that can help improve your SEO results:

  • Bet on custom content and community-generated content.
  • Use social networks to search for conversational expressions.
  • YouTube is a great place to search for keywords.
  • Talk to your customer service representative.

Go beyond the traditional keyword search strategy

Everyone knows that SEO success is closely related to keywords. Many site owners use a traditional keyword strategy to increase site rankings. They target high-frequency keywords and write content in the hope that their site will appear on the first page of Google search. Such a strategy may work, but it is laborious, expensive, difficult to implement, and the result is zero. There are other options like SEO Agency in Abu Dhabi UAE for best strategies. You can focus on low-frequency keywords, especially long-tail ones. According to the Search Engines Guide, 57% of sales on Amazon are the result of using long-tail keywords. Surely, you would like to understand why long-tail words are more profitable. Such tactics will allow you to avoid fierce competition while attracting potential customers. Now, let’s discuss the four methods described above to work effectively with the target audience and answer the question of how to find the right low-frequency keywords that can ensure your success in the field of SEO.

  1. Bet on custom and community-generate content

User-created sites and social networks are a fantastic resource for finding keywords that are still inactive. Because it is here that the content covers a wider range of possibilities regarding keywords. This is where people try to get answers to their questions.

Spend at least a few hours on such sites or SEO services in Dubai UAE can help you and will understand what topics and questions your target audience is interested in – in the process you will find many keywords suitable for use. Fortunately, there are many common and industry-specific content sites, blogs, forums, and social communities such as Reddit or Quora. Let’s look at the possibility of using them as an example of a law firm. It is enough to devote just a few seconds to study topics on the FreeAdvice forum, and you will find a ton of potential keywords, phrases, and questions.

  1. Use social networks to search for conversational expressions

When people need advice or recommendations, they often use social networks. The content they publish on these sites is slightly different from the content created for search; on social networks, people usually post questions or share problems in the same language they speak in life. To reach your audience, you need to know how your customers talk about your topic, how they share ideas and interact with other customers. Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn are ideal sites for finding great low-frequency keywords – in most cases, users of these platforms ask questions exactly the way they talk in life. Just a few seconds of viewing a Facebook group related to legal practice to notice that many people post in the form of questions and this can help you find unused keywords for targeting.

  1. YouTube is a great place to search for keywords

YouTube has experienced a boom in growth since its launch in 2005. Currently, YouTube has more than 2 billion active users per month, which is 5% more than the number of registered users – their 1.9 billion. YouTube is the goldmine for keyword searches, as all people search for content on YouTube in different ways. Watch a few tutorial videos, how-to videos, industry news, questions and answers, product reviews, and you’ll definitely have additional ideas for content.

Thanks to YouTube, you will realize that comments can be more useful and more informative than published videos. Misunderstandings arise between people of all ages due to differences in specializations, back grand, and personal experience. This is one of the most important sites if you want to find out what people are talking about, how they are talking about it and what keywords they use.

  1. Talk with your customer service

If you are in the process of finding new ideas for keywords SEO Agency in Abu Dhabi UAE can provide you, talk to your customer service team as they are at the forefront of your company. They deal with potential customers and just customers more often than anyone else in your organization. Your customer service can provide you with a real-time list of questions, alarms, problems, and suggestions related to the service or product. Communicating with them, you can determine what information is missing on your site, and this will inspire you to search for keywords for content marketing. You can also browse live chats and emails to find out exactly what questions potential customers are asking. As an alternative to working with your team, you can use the technique of intelligence cards or building assocagrams to get information about keywords from them. For example, you can start with the topic “local SEO,” and include the branches and child branches associated with it.


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