SEO Strategy 2018

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

What is an SEO Strategy or SEO Strategy?

Implementing a SEO Strategy 2018 is essential for any website owner. With recent Google updates including the mobile first index, the natural referencing of content will be seen through the mobile now. Here are 15 tips to optimize your SEO in 2018: The SEO strategy 2018! Every year SEO experts give their predictions for what will be the next big thing to come or roll out in SEO.
Yet in reality, no one really knows what it will be. So in this guide to a strong SEO strategy, I will focus on what works now so that you can prepare to tame Google this year.

A SEO or SEO strategy is a road map for search engine optimization activities that can be traced in definitive stages. It’s a long-term, but effective solution for generating pre-qualified traffic to websites, improving visitor conversion rates, and increasing website rankings and revenue.

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1- Optimize your SEO strategy with Google’s mobile-first index
The optimization of its mobile-friendly website has been important for years in the SEO strategy since in 2015. Since 2016, mobile has taken precedence over desktop, mobile and tablet representing 60 % of all web browsing.
Then in November 2016, Google announced the launch of mobile indexing first. What this means is that previously Google has browsed the desktop version of a website, using this as the primary search engine index.
However with this update, Google has now started using the mobile version of a site as the primary index. In other words, Google will consider the mobile version of your site as the “real” version, even if someone searches from a desktop.
It will be essential for any website owner to optimize quickly for a better customer experience. That is to say it is at least responsive design, but especially that its pages are loaded quickly to allow users to have a smooth navigation and therefore quick access to information.

2-Speed ​​up the loading of your website

For years Google has been focusing on the speed of loading websites. With the introduction of the first mobile index, the speed of the site will be greater than ever. As said before, it will be important to work this point to not suffer a loss of positions on Google.For websites developed under the CMS WordPress, it is recommended to set its theme on the authorized displays or not some features in mobile version. Note that the Google AMP protocol will not be considered by Google for indexing but rather the original mobile version of the site.It is widely recommended to make its content “mobile friendly” as of now for an effective SEO strategy. To test it you can use this online tool developed by Google: Mobile friendly by Google
Google has once again emphasized this importance for websites, especially for those who have e-commerce websites. Those who load in 5 seconds or less, received 2 times more revenue than their competitors. The same research found that 53% of mobile site visits were dropped if page loading takes more than 3 seconds.
Use Google’s Page Speed ​​Insights to see the page speed of your website on your mobile and desktop.

3- Pay attention to the signals of the user experience

Google announced that RankBrain was their third most important ranking factor. RankBrain is a machine learning system that helps Google sort search engine result pages (SERPs).RankBrain focuses on two factors:1- How long does someone spend on a page (known as Dwell Time)
2-The percentage of people who click on a result (Click Through Rate or CTR)Waiting time is important because if a visitor clicks on a search result in position # 4 but stays on the page for several minutes, Google realizes that it’s very relevant. If a visitor clicks on result # 1 but leaves the page in seconds, Google will start this result from position # 1. Google has always focused on relevance, and if visitors do not stay long enough on the web pages, Google considers them irrelevant.

If the pages have a higher than average CTR, RankBrain uses this as a sign that the page should receive a permanent ranking boost. This is not surprising. After all, if nobody clicks on the search results, why would Google keep it on the front page?

4- Optimize your content for featured snippets
Featured scraps or rich answers now account for over 20% of search queries. If you want your content to appear for common industry-related questions, it’s critical that you intentionally optimize it for those queries.

Google is now crowding out organic search results with these answer boxes, ads, carousels, “People as Ask” sections and more. The organic SEO results are down 37% in the CTR according to Wordstream.

You can do this in many ways for your SEO strategy, including explicitly asking the question in your content, providing a direct answer, even including the question in at least one of your headers. Another tip is to provide lists of questions and answers to satisfy the “People as ask” sections of SERPS.

5- Voice SEO: Optimize content for voice search

You might argue that voice search is only in its infancy, but when you think about it, we still use voice search in two ways: search for apps and information inside our smartphones and search for information on the Internet.

If you take into account the sections “People ask” and Google Answer Boxes, then the voice search will only gain importance. Since 2008, voice searches on Google have multiplied by 35, including 20% ​​on mobile.

Knowing this, SEO experts are starting to optimize their content for voice SEO – making sure the content is included in a featured snippet.
In your SEO strategy, consider voice SEO as an axis that requires you to work and optimize your content based on voice search. Never forget that a spoken request is never the same as a written request. Writing on Google, we go to the basics in a few words and via a voice assistant, we usually ask a complete question.

That does not mean that any content has to report a title asking a question because Google is smart enough to understand and analyze content. This means that you have to answer as if the question were asked. Your content should therefore be relevant and focused on questioning.

6- Focus on the content and the current, in-depth and written context.
Previously, search engines analyzed pages to see how often a specific keyword would be used and if this was added in certain tags and images – known as technical, or SEO on-site. For example, your page will be searched to determine if your keyword appeared in:

Meta description
ALT image / ALT text
Tags H1 / H2

It’s still important, but search engine robots are getting smarter. Not only do they measure the content of your web page, but also the context. This means that to avoid showing superficial content to web visitors, search engines now check whether the content of the page has a deep knowledge of the subject concerned.

According to Backlink’s Brian Dean, to write complete and in-depth content, it should have at least 2000 words and be inserted with latent semantic indexing keywords (LSIs, also known as secondary keywords).

LSI keywords are words and phrases that are strongly associated with the subject of your page. When crawlers do their scan, they consider the page as very current if it covers the title of the content well.

Finally, Brian found that even pages that comprehensively covered a particular topic surpassed the shorter content that was highly optimized for a certain keyword – even when the full page did not use that particular keyword at all.

7- Optimize your URL structure
Using descriptive and relevant keyword URLs has been an effective SEO strategy for years. However, some research suggests that using shorter URLs may actually lead to higher rankings. We should analyze here your different URLs and make a personal statement.

Although there is no word count that you should include, Google has indicated in the past that everything following the first five words will not have as much credit. This is not really surprising, because when a search query is presented to the search engines, they browse the words at the beginning of the URL to check the relevance to the search term.

In addition, you should remove stop words like “a”, “of”, “the” – the search engine algorithms do not read them and they waste valuable URL space that could be scanned for a key word.

So, where possible, use your primary keywords in the first few words of your URL where possible – making sure it makes sense for a search term, and try to keep your entire URL up to to a total of about five words.

8- Structured data and

Search engines, to read websites, must be able to read them easily. Google is good enough to analyze the context of the content of a website. When it comes to reading a page, usually the most valuable information for a researcher, search engine robots need help.

Structured data is the data that you add to your website to make it easier for search engines to understand.

Structured data is a general term that refers to any organized data that conforms to a certain format, it’s not just for SEO. When search engines read your website, they want to know if a piece of content is relevant – it can be a job ad, a blog post, or a product offering.

If you want rich snippets, rich mobile maps, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs), or a list in the Google Knowledge Graph, you’ll need to tag your pages with Unless SEOs are experts in coding, then this can be intimidating, but in the Google Search Console, they have a data highlighter that allows site owners to click and drag structured data, but only if the websites that have a few things to mark, like products and blog posts.

Correct implementation of structured data may not give you better rankings, but indirectly, your site will be a better search result – and increasing the wait time and telling Google that your web pages are relevant.

We will share further information about SEO Strategy 2018 in our next post.


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