Website Hosting vs Website Builder

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Website Hosting vs Website Builder

If you try to launch your first website, you are probably dealing with information overload. There are things you call domains that you need to buy, web hosting services, website builders, and then HTML, CSS, and other coding languages ​​are intertwined with this double helix of jargon that is constantly evolving.

If you’re a bit confused, don’t worry. In this guide we go:

  • Split the differences between web hosting versus website builder
  • Explain the benefits of each
  • Show you how to get started

What is web hosting?

When you rent a house, you pay for a piece of property to live in. You usually fill this house with your own furniture and memorabilia, which makes it feel just like yours.

Web hosting services in lahore follows the same principle, except that you pay for a house in what is called a “server”, where the data, content and information of your website will live. To claim this property on the internet, you must pay to have it hosted. The bigger the piece you want, or the bigger your website, the more you’ll have to pay.

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But at the most basic level, web hosting offers a plot for people to build websites. When it comes to the ‘web hosting versus website builder’ debate, a website builder would be useless if not for hosting services – how can you build if you don’t have a country or a server to build on?

What is a Website Maker?

If you have ever wondered: “What is a website builder?”, You can think of it this way: it is a tool that both beginners and advanced users can use to build a website without knowing code. The pre-coded platforms work with a wide variety of website templates and themes to choose from, which can then be customized and tailored to your needs. These tools are built in a user-friendly way and are often supplied with self-studies and technical support because they are designed to complement the do-it-yourself method (do it yourself).

Because website builders exist on servers where users everywhere have access to the internet, they are also hosting your website in a certain sense. The sites are hosted on these servers, regardless of whether a website is completed or started. By returning to the metaphor of real estate, remember that website builder is hosting as an owner of a certain area and is slowly building on top of the land. Once the house is complete and you have finished building, it will still be ‘hosted’ on that land.

Types of Web Hosting

Web hosting is an umbrella term and refers to the act of renting space on a server; there are more specific types that fall under it. To understand the differences between web hosting and a website builder, it is important that we split it up. The four most common types of web hosting are:

  • Shared hosting
  • VPS hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Website Builder Hosting

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is like an apartment complex; several small companies rent apartments and share the resources. It is the most affordable and popular type of hosting available, and usually this is the first type of hosting that is used by different companies and individuals when launching their website. This type of hosting is perfect for people who have relatively small websites and have fewer customized or extensive needs. There are often storage restrictions and these can be limited to one or a few websites that you own.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is more expensive, and rightly so, because it is a personalized form of hosting. On a special host, a company or person has a server entirely for itself. They do not share resources, nor do they allow third parties to rent or squat their space. This ensures a complete adjustment of the server, a higher bandwidth for traffic and better security. If you have a larger company or a website that receives a lot of traffic, view dedicated hosting.

VPS Hosting

The acronym “VPS” stands for Virtual Private Server. Consider this type of hosting as a hybrid between dedicated and shared. This “combination” hosting is reflected in both the price level and the functionality. With VPS hosting you will still share a server, but every company or individual on it has its own piece. What does that mean to you? It provides more traffic while you experience fewer delays and a little more flexibility with regard to customization. If you are a small company that sees growth and settles on medium-sized companies, VPS can be an excellent match.

Website Builder Hosting

You can use a website builder with one of the hosting types discussed above. However, keep in mind that all website builders are hosts in a certain sense. Look at it this way: whether you are a large company or a small company, you want a quick and easy way to create a beautiful, functional website. That is what Website Builder is for. But if you are a company or organization that needs to accommodate high customer traffic and secure their information, you want to invest in a more advanced hosting option (such as a Dedicated Server.) If you are a private individual or a small company whose website is not (yet) receiving traffic, you can use Website Builder to create your site and keep it ‘hosted’ while you build and grow. View the Website Builder of – with every purchase of a domain name you receive a free, simple Website Builder that is good for creating a website with 6 pages.

If you use Website Builder Hosting as your primary hosting, it is a good idea to also look at options that ensure more security and room for growth of your website.

A Comparison of Website Hosting and Website Builder

When comparing web hosting and a website builder, semantics play an important role in defining the two. Here are some points to use to compare these products:

  • With web hosting, a person or company can rent a space on a server that hosts all data and information from their website. This space can take many different forms and is often chosen based on the needs and budgetary requirements of a person or company
  • A website builder cannot host more than one website or act as a server for something other than the website that you build with it. It is not designed as a hosting platform, it is both a storage cabinet and a building site for your website. Remember that ‘website builder hosting’ is a bit misleading, what is hosted is the Website Builder software, not the website created by the Website Builder.
  • Web hosting is rented space or digital real estate, it is not a service with which you can build a website. If you have purchased hosting and want to build your website with it, you put the car in front of the horse. See it this way: you need a website to host it. Some hosting packages offer tools for building a website, but that is an additional feature and not a standard feature of web hosting.
  • With a website builder, the user can create the website that they will host on a server. Website builders offer pre-coded and optimized “sections of websites” that you can assemble and customize to create your own website. The Website Builder of offers drag-and-drop, making it a breeze to use.

In essence, the most important difference is that web hosting is a piece of land, while a website maker makes the construction on that land possible.

A Website Builder Explained

As we said, a website builder is a software platform that is used to build a website. Designed for both experts and beginners, they are usually offered alongside a hosting platform to create an all-inclusive package. There are two types of website builders:

  • An online website builder – the website builder is hosted on the same server as the website and can be accessed anywhere if there is internet. This means that the user never has to download or install any software and has access to their “build” – at any stage – as long as they have a healthy internet connection. These are more common than the following type.
  • An offline website maker – usually thought that this is more aimed at users with technical knowledge, an offline website builder is exactly as it sounds; a platform that works offline. This means that the user must download the software and save the files locally and then upload them to a server when they want to launch the website.

If you choose to use a website builder hosting package, this does not mean that you are bound to that specific hosting plan once your website is built. Digital media trend provide a best web hosting in Pakistan.


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