Ways to Generate More Customer Reviews Online

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Ways to Generate More Customer Reviews Online

When people think of customer reviews online, most will think first of examples where the online community has given a brand a real service; complaining, criticizing and taking the Internet to make its worst moment in an attempt to damage and diminish its reputation. Yes, online customer reviews are powerful. They have the power to completely destroy a brand, but they also have the ability to build a brand’s reputation and bring it into a positive light, significantly increasing traffic and sales.

Encouraging customers to leave reviews online is a critical way to help their brand drive sales, increase visibility, appear reliable, and collect unique information about what their customers want and need.

I recently wrote about the importance of online reviews for a business, however, I want to expand on that and offer practical advice on how to implement strategies to generate more online reviews.

Customer Reviews
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Easy Ways Your Business Can Get More Customer Reviews Online

Online reviews can be found on SEO Services in Lahore, social media, apps, and dedicated review sites. While more than 50% of consumers check review sites before making a purchase, only 10% write them regularly. Therefore, companies cannot rely solely on quality products and services to generate positive reviews; they need a strategy.

Request Customer Feedback Via E-mail

Email campaigns are inexpensive and easy to automate, making them a great option to trigger your audience’s action. Whatever your business, whether you have customers shopping online, use your service through an app, or even if the engagement is face-to-face, you can set up follow-up email campaigns to ask them to review it immediately after they have had an interaction with their brand.

Contact Your Social Media Community

If you have established an online community of people who have actively chosen to follow your brand, this is a great place to look for positive feedback. Run a campaign or create a simple post by asking them to review your brand if they like what you’re doing.

Optimize Your Website for Reviews

If you have an e-commerce site, you can add a review request after purchase. Alternatively, you can add review requests at the end of blogs that encourage readers to give feedback to help make your product or service the best it can be for your target market.

Set Reminders in The Store

This includes signage in the store or training customer-facing team members to ask customers to check you online. The best time to catch someone is when they are currently engaged and making a purchase, especially if they come from a friendly team member with whom they have just had a nice interaction.

Create Incentives for Customers to Leave Reviews

Nothing motivates as an incentive. Offer a reward for your feedback campaign, you can even try the answers based on the reward offered so you can learn which carrot gets the best results. This can be as simple as a discount code for customers you’ve been buying, or branded merchandise.

As you can see, encouraging customer reviews online doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little creativity and focus, you can easily introduce marketing efforts to include review requests. Once implemented, all that remains is to set up a strategy to nurture all new leads that are meant to start rolling.

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