How to Convert your Visitors into Customers?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Are you starting a new online Business? Before you start writing a single line of code for your website or jump into Photoshop to do your design, you need to think about the profitability of your site and define how you are going to turn a simple visitor into a customer. Conversions (registration requests, calls, contact forms, etc.) are the most important aspect of a new business. Failure to implement a conversion strategy therefore risks lowering your return on investment or even causing your project to fail.

With nearly 1.7 billion websites in existence, getting out of the game just to be visited isn’t the easiest task, and generating sales even less so. We are therefore going to discuss 8 steps to take in order to increase your chances of converting your visitors into customers.

Convert your Visitors into Customers

Step 1: Introduce yourself in less than 5 seconds 

These 5 seconds represent the time you have to grab your visitor’s attention and convince them to go further. With the number of poorly presented sites unrelated to their initial search, Internet users have learned to quickly sort through and leave sites as quickly as they find them.

In 5 seconds, your visitor can read about two lines of text, take a quick look at the context and presentation of your content (text, images, logo etc.) to decide whether to stay or name on your page.

Step 2: Go for a professional design 

You might as well warn you right away: if you plan to save money by opting for a basic design, you are making a big mistake. For many potential customers, your website will be the only way to contact you to find out about your service offer. Even if you believe in offering the best products on Earth, your visitors won’t buy from your store if the design doesn’t invite them to stay.

Step 3: Show your visitors the way 

Once your visitor has made the decision to stay on your page, you need to tell them what to do. Your visitors have arrived on your site and they are already looking for an answer. It is, therefore, preferable to take them by the hand and to simplify their visit as much as possible.

Step 4: Have an Optimized Platform

SEO is an essential part of your conversion rate. We talked to you about the importance of design and the content of a website, its architecture, its adaptability will also be key factors.

  • The tree structure of your website
  • The internal mesh of your website
  • Your keyword choices
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Improve your loading time

Step 5: Highlight your calls to action

The goal of your website, whatever it is, is to turn your visitors into customers. So, you need to intelligently place calls to action across your entire platform. Your keywords should therefore be located in these hot spots, just like your calls to action in order to entice visitors to become customers.

Step 6: Answer questions from internet users 

The purchasing journey of Internet users always begins with an information phase. Indeed, they will seek to know what differentiates you from your competitors and will try to know all the “hidden” aspects of your business. So, do not hesitate to add sections on your website dedicated to the most frequently asked questions of Internet users. If for example, you are an e-commerce site, inform them about your sales practices, delivery costs, returns, etc

Step 7: Secure your website

The security of your platform may seem like a trivial matter to you, however it is crucial in the conversion of your visitors into customers. Whether you are an e-commerce platform or not, your website must be secure since you will necessarily collect information about your visitors (bank details, email addresses, etc.).

Step 8: Use Remarketing

Have your visitors left your website without having made their purchase or request for information? Use remarketing, Remarketing is a type of online advertising that will allow you to be presented to your website visitors through other platforms. Regardless of the different steps, you are going to take, you must analyze your traffic in order to identify the positive and negative aspects. By analyzing certain aspects like bounce rate, average basket, etc., you will be able to optimize your website.

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