How to Write Product Descriptions That Will Increase Ecommerce Store Sale

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Everyone knows the importance of good product photos on your website, but when it comes to finalizing a sale and getting customers to hit the “buy” button, words become just as important to give context to your images and encourage visitors to shop. This is where writing a good product description comes in.

ecommerce store

These nine steps will show you how to write product descriptions. 

1. Start by identifying your target customers 

When writing a product description, you need to know who will read it. Think of your target customers. Imagine that you are chatting with them casually. Or imagine yourself next to them in a store talking to them about a product. 
Consider the following questions: 

·         What are their interests and preferences?

·         What type of person are they?

·         Do they enjoy humor or are they more serious?

·         Why are they going to your store?

·         What are their weaknesses or challenges?

·         What are their aspirations? 

Use this language and tone in your product descriptions to connect with the buyer. Choose words and phrases that your customers would use. By aligning your product description and your brand tone, you make sure your text and branding are consistent across all sections of your website. 

2. Share the benefits of the product 

A common mistake is to focus only on the specifications when writing a product description. If it is important to show the characteristics, it is equally important to relate them to the real benefits of the product. A characteristic is a factual statement about a product (such as the materials it is made of or its weight), while a benefit is an experience or a benefit that the product provides. One advantage is the real motivation behind the purchase. It can be the materials used to make the product durable or its lightness which makes it breathable and comfortable. 

3. Include details that enhance the photos 

Sometimes just looking at product photos online can leave you with a lot of questions. Product descriptions should clarify any ambiguity that the photos may present. A good example is how clothing sellers who use models in their photos should include the size and size of the model's clothes. This gives you a better idea of how the clothes will fit you. 

The joint use of visuals and texts allows buyers to better understand what they are buying and to avoid any potential misunderstandings, disappointments or even negative comments about the store after a purchase. 

4. Write for the senses 

Since online shoppers cannot touch the products, the description of your product should speak to their senses. 

Describe the sensations, smells, sounds and tastes of the product. Your job is to help the buyer imagine that they are holding the product in their hands. This may require the use of more specific words instead of general terms. Describing a blanket as soft may be a bit general, but saying that it is "velvety" or "feathered" gives an image that goes beyond "soft". 

5. Tell a story 

Everyone appreciates good stories. Your description is your only chance to help your reader imagine what it would be like to own your product. Content marketing and copywriting should be part of your overall storyline. The description of your product is a key element.

Start by providing them with context. Use the benefits you've identified and describe how the customer will feel when they take ownership of your product and use it. The stories help to appeal to the client's emotions, and the emotions make the products sell. 

6. Use adjectives with caution 

It is tempting to go crazy with adjectives because you think your product is "great" and "the best", but adjectives that are not backed up by real information make buyers skeptical. Here are a few words to avoid, according to DMT Lahore marketing experts: 

·         Unique

·         Revolutionary

·         Innovative

·         Popular

·         Best in class 

7. Provide social proof 

When it comes to new customers, you need to gain their trust before you win their business. With every click on your website, buyers look for signs that you are trustworthy. How can you earn their trust? One good way is to do online assessments. 78% of consumers trust online assessments as much as a personal recommendation.

 8. Cut out your text 

While it can be tempting to include a lot of content, it is possible to overload a customer. Choose your words wisely and be concise when describing the benefits and telling the story. Then break down the details and features using important points. A page with white spaces is easy to scan and read. Remember to choose an easy-to-read font and size. 

9. Don't forget the keywords 

Last but not least: optimize your product descriptions for search engines by using keywords in your descriptions that a customer could use to find you. This can help you improve your ranking and increase your sales. By incorporating relevant keywords into your product descriptions, you will increase your chances of being found in search engine results pages. It’s important to use keywords in your descriptions and also include them in your page titles, Meta descriptions and alt image tags.
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