Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Search engine optimization: (English search engine optimization, the abbreviation of SEO), is a through understanding of search engine rules for the operation to adjust the website purpose and to improve the site’s ranking in search engines in the relevant way. As many studies have found that search engine users tend to only pay attention to several entries in the search results front, so many sites are hoping to influence sorting through various forms of search engines, so your website can have a good search ranking. Especially in a variety of websites rely on advertising to survive.

The so-called “optimized for search engine” means that in order to make the site easier to be accepted by the search engine. The contents of each other search engine sites will make some correlation data comparison, and then by the browser will be content with the most rapid and close to the most complete way, presented to the searchers. Search engine optimization is to optimize the rules through the search engine for users to create a better user experience, the ultimate goal is to make the user experience.


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