Choosing an Effective Domain Name for your Website in 5 Steps?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

The choice of the domain is not trivial this is one of the first decisions you will make. And not least: the domain determines the identity of your brand on the web. Several criteria or factors to consider in choosing the domain name.
Choose an extension .com and / or .com
Between .com and .com, your heart balance? The question is difficult to answer. The extension .com still great reference with more than 75% of the recorded areas. But things are changing gradually.
 Consider the purchase of a domain name
First advice on the behalf of Digital Marketing Services in Lahore it may be wise to consider the purchase of a domain name. This is very useful from an SEO point of view, to the extent that the domain name you will buy will already reference. Conversely, it takes time for a new domain name to be indexed and referenced in the search engines. Buying an existing domain name provides a significant time savings in terms of deployment.
Avoid puns, hyphens and difficult pronunciations
A domain name, to be effective, must be easy to remember and recover from a Google search. The domain name must be easy to pronounce and spell: Make a test during (or after …) a drunken night with friends is a good way to check it! Or how to combine work and drinking …
List of key words and suffixes
If you have no domain name ideas and to prevent the blank page syndrome, a good starting point is to list the keywords that belong to the universe of your brand and common suffixes like: ly , fy, rama, city name, etc. You can then form unexpected and original combinations.

Find original ideas
A domain name must be original. At least for two reasons: first, to better recognition of Internet users, but also not too much like another site that has a similar domain name. If your domain name is too similar to another, or worse, if it is almost the same, you may be misidentified and you foolishly create a competitor!


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