How to Create Your SEO Strategy for 2018

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

If you have don’t know that How to Create Your SEO Strategy for 2018, it’s time to know it and create it. You do not think? Developing and writing an SEO strategy can be daunting. However, a strategy is really a marketing plan. And all SEO plans share common elements.

The objectives of 2018

First, decide what you want the SEO to achieve in 2018.Goals are a benchmark for your strategy. They determine how aggressive she must be and what she has to achieve.

Do not confuse the strategy with the objectives. Your goal statement should be a single sentence that contains a target and a completion date. For example, you can set a goal of achieving at least 10% growth in SEO revenue from one year to the next in 2018.A strategy is a plan of attack to achieve this goal.

2017 performance analysis

This is to look at what happened in 2017 and why. Without knowing where you are today, it’s hard to know how far you can go tomorrow and what you need to do to get there.

If you have not yet defined your measurement plan and your key performance indicators, which will certainly be the research sessions and the natural incomes, this is the right time to do it.

Make sure you understand your performance from year to year in the natural search for statistics that boost your business. Collect data from your web analytics tools, the Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, the ranking tool, the backlink analysis tool, and the SEO platform (BrightEdge, Searchmetrics, Moz).

Create a presentation that shows what happened in each dataset in 2016 and 2017. Do not worry yet about the reason for these events. Focus first on what happened. You will probably discover hidden problems in the process. Write down these problems, but do not bog down trying to explain them for the moment.

Once you have a document that describes what happened in 2017, gather the reasons why it happened, to the best of your ability. Natural search performance changes only when something on the site or in the natural search environment changes. There are, in fact, only four things that can alter the performance of SEO: site changes, site optimizations, search engine algorithm updates, and changes in search results. .

These four areas will be aligned with the performance changes. Spot them in a calendar that covers your 2017 performance, to identify the major events that contributed to the performance.

When you have reconstructed what happened and why, based on actual performance in 2017, you will know, more or less, what to do for your 2018 strategy

Read more to similar article: SEO trend 2018

Keyword Analysis

Then look at the potential for 2018 based on the existing natural search request.Keyword search identifies the topics that real people are looking for. These themes can be analyzed to determine the demand areas. The extent to which your site can meet this demand in a more optimal way than the competition will largely determine SEO performance.Using Google Keyword Planner or your favorite keyword tool, research your keywords to find the words and phrases people are looking for to find your products and services. Beyond that, look for ways people use your products and the questions they ask when shopping, or when they want to take care of them.

When you’ve collected a lot of keyword data, compartmentalize it. A list of hundreds or thousands of keywords does not tell you much until you’ve segmented it.Create a presentation that shows what people are looking for by increasing levels of detail. Do they look for a certain category of products in large numbers? What attributes are important enough to search for in conjunction with these products? Do they seem to want more information or just make a purchase?

Define a SEO Strategy

In this step, do most of the data analysis to identify areas of opportunity to capitalize on when building a SEO strategy. It’s time to create the plan to get you where you are from where you need to be to reach your goal.You have already set up presentations that show your goals, your status today and the search request. Now, look for overlaps. These are the opportunities!

In your keyword research, are there more people looking for a certain type of product that you are selling? Is it consistent with pages that generate traffic and revenue? If this is not the case, you have a zone of opportunity.Do people look for certain attributes in particular, such as the color, size and shape of a product? Do you offer these attributes as navigation items? Does this information appear on your product’s detail pages? If the answer is no, providing this can be an opportunity.

Do people ask questions around a relevant topic? If you can answer it in 2018, it’s an opportunity.

Now it’s time to communicate. Take the presentations you have created that show the current state and group them together to communicate the strategy according to the opportunities.

For each opportunity, create a slide or two that explains:The challenge or opportunity you see today

The size of the opportunity based on SEO;

How to achieve success and achieve the 2018 goals;

The actions you need to succeed.Align your goals, site performance issues, and search opportunities that you identified in your search. Answering these three elements will help create a strong SEO strategy for 2018.

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