SEO : Why Optimize the Loading Speed of a Site?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Optimized tags, exhaustive texts filled with keywords that convert and their co-occurrences, backlinks obtained on sites with strong authority … these are some of the main parameters that focus the attention of site managers in search of visibility. Equally important, another indispensable criterion is still very often overlooked. Especially by people who do not have a solid experience in web marketing. it’s the loading time of a website.

Why Optimize the Loading Speed of a Site?
SEO : Why Optimize the Loading Speed of a Site?

Why Reduce the Loading Speed?

This is a criterion that can be classified in the family of technical optimizations, like pagination and redirections. We will redefine it in the following paragraph; more specifically we will state the different steps that allow a web page of your blog, forum or online store to appear on the browser of a user. Whether it’s a trade or showcase site, if you are not yet interested in the loading time of the pages of your website, you have every interest in doing so. Indeed, this issue becomes crucial, not only for the user experience but also for your ranking in the search engines. Surveys have shown in the past that 4 out of 10 users leave a page that does not display after 3 seconds.

In 2017, Google revealed that more than half of mobile Internet users chose to close the tab of a page that did not load completely after 3 seconds. And keep in mind that mobile web traffic is only growing over the years. This is only a logical evolution: we all want to get answers faster and faster on the web and the competition is such that we can in a few seconds go to another site that is likely to present the same content if the first does not answer immediately to our expectation. In 2009, the original Californian engine launched a performance extension called Page Speed. Its goal ? A ccompany developers to reduce page load times and their rendering engine rendering. A year later, Matt Cutts officially announced that the loading speed is one of the many criteria of Google’s algorithm to calculate the relevance of a site. Today, we know that it clearly has an impact on the bounce rate, that it affects to a certain extent the number of pages that a user consults and more generally the time he spends on a website. More importantly, too much loading time would have a negative impact on the conversion rate. Certainly, you do not have the full faculty to provide your visitors a pleasant experience in the sense that they are also dependent on their speed of connection, the power of their terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone) or the type of browser they operate. That said, it is imperative that you give yourself the means to reduce the loading time of the pages of your site for the greatest number. If you are not yet fully convinced, know that search engine robots that visit and index the canvas can quickly set sail (and therefore obscure many content) when they have difficulty to quickly access all pages of a site.

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