Social media optimization Services in Lahore | Digital Media Trend.

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer


Social Media Optimization Services

(SMO) is the use of a number of outlets and communities to generate advertising to increase awareness of a product, service mark or event. The types of social media involved include RSS feeds, news and bookmarking sites, as well as social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, video sharing sites, and blog sites. SMO is similar to search engine optimization, in that the goal is to drive web traffic and increase awareness of a website. In general, social media optimization is about optimizing a website and its content to encourage more users to use and share links to the website on social networking and social networking sites. SMO also refers to the software tools that automate this process or the web site experts who perform this process for clients.

The goal of SMO is to strategically create interesting online content, ranging from well-written text to engaging digital photos or video clips that encourage and inspire users to engage in a website and then share it. Via its web link, with their social networks. Contacts with the media and friends. Common examples of social media engagement include: “Loving and commenting on articles, retweeting, integrating, sharing and promoting content”. Social Media Optimization Services in Lahore is also an effective way to implement Online Reputation Management (ORM), which means that if a person publishes bad reviews of a company, an SMO strategy can make so that negative comments are not the first link to appear in a search list. Engine results.

Social Media in 2010S.

In the 2010s, social media sites overtake television as a source of information for young people, news agencies rely more and more on social media platforms to generate web traffic. The Economist of the New Year’s Economist The New Year The New Year The New World, while other major publishers are now available in advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology to generate volumes of larger web traffic.

Relationship with search engine optimization

Social media optimization is becoming an increasingly important factor in search engine optimization, which consists of creating a website in order to get the best search engine ranking possible. As search engines used recommendations such as social network users such as Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+ to rank the pages in the search engine results. [Quote] When a web page is shared or “liked” by a user of a social network, it counts as a “vote” for the quality of that webpage. Thus, search engines can be used accordingly to properly rank websites in the search engine results pages. Moreover, it is more difficult to go beyond the scales or to influence the search engines in this way, the search engines still invest in social research. This is associated with a more personalized search based on interests and position, through the presence on social networks in search engine optimization. Yelp, Google Places, Foursquare and Yahoo! The premises have become increasingly important. While social media optimization is linked to search engine marketing, it differs in many ways. SMO is mainly used by the traffic. However, it is also true that ranking by order is also optimized. In addition, SMO is useful for targeting detailed regions in order to target and reach potential customers. This helps the customer prospecting and contributes to the conversion of the high conversion rate.

Relationship with viral marketing

Social Media Optimization Services in Lahore is in many ways related to the technique of viral marketing or “viral seeding”, where word of mouth is created through networking in book-sharing, videos and photos. An effective SMO campaign can harness the power of viral marketing; for example, 80% of activity on Pinterest is generated by “repining”. In addition, by following social trends and using alternative social networks, websites can retain existing subscribers while attracting new ones. This allows businesses to create an online tracking and presence, all connecting to the company’s website to increase traffic. For example, with an effective social bookmarking campaign, not only website traffic can be increased, but also the ranking of a site. Similarly, engaging with blogs creates a similar result by sharing content through the use of RSS in the blogosphere and special blog search engines. Social media optimization is considered an integral part of an Online Reputation Management (ORM) or Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) strategy for organizations or individuals concerned about their presence in search engines line.

The optimization of social media is not limited to marketing and building the brand. Smart businesses are increasingly integrating social media engagement as part of their knowledge management strategy (product / service development, recruitment, employee engagement and turnover, branding, satisfaction and customer relations). Customer, business development, etc.). In addition, social media optimization can be implemented to create an associated site community, enabling a healthy business-to-consumer relationship.

Origins and implementation

The terms of “social media optimization” was used and described for the first time by marketing blog. In the same article, defined the five important rules of social media optimization. We believed that by following its rules, everyone could influence the levels of traffic and engagement on their site, increase their popularity and ensure that it ranks high in search engine results. Since then, 11 additional SMO rules have been added to the list by other marketing contributors.

The 16 rules of SMO, according to a source, are as follows:

Increase your link capacity

Make marking and bookmarking easier

Reward incoming links

Help your content to “travel” via sharing

Encourage mashup, where users are allowed to remix content

Be a user resource, even if it does not help you (for example, provide resources and information to users)

Reward valuable and valuable users

Participate (join the conversation online)

Know how to target your audience

Create new quality content (“search engines” ignore “websites” of existing online content)

Be “real” in the tone and style of messages

Do not forget your roots to be humble

Do not be afraid to experiment, to innovate, to try new things and to stay fresh

Develop an SMO strategy

Choose your SMO tactics wisely

Make SMO a key part of your marketing process and develop business best practices

The initial five rules were more specifically designed for SMO, while the list is now much broader and covers everything that can be done on different social media platforms. According to the author and CEO of Top Rank Online Marketing, a social media strategy is also needed to ensure optimization. This is a concept similar to the rules list for SMO.

The social media strategy can take into account:

Objectives, for example to make the brand known and use social media for external communications.

Listening, for example following conversations about clients and company goals.

Public, for example, who are the customers, what they do, who influences them and what they talk about frequently? It is important to determine what customers want in exchange for their commitment and attention online.

Participation and content, for example establishing an online presence and community and interacting with users by sharing useful and interesting information.

Measure for example by recording preferences and comments on publications, as well as the number of sales, to monitor growth and determine the most useful tactics to optimize social media.

Social Media Optimization Services in Lahore

Brake in The Social Media, it is also important to behave like a publisher by maintaining an effective organizational strategy, having an original concept and a unique “edge” that differentiates its approach competition and experiment with new ideas if things do not work the first time. If a business is blog based, an effective method of SMO is to use widgets that allow users to share content on their personal social networking platforms. This will eventually reach a larger target audience and generate more traffic to the original message. Blogging widgets and post-sharing plug-ins are usually linked to Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. From time to time, they also connect to social media platforms such as Stumble Upon, Tumblr and Pinterest.

Many sharing widgets also include user counters that indicate how often the content has been liked and shared on different social media pages. This can influence whether new users engage with the publication or not, and also gives companies an idea of ​​which type of publication is most successful in reaching audiences. By using relevant keywords and trends in headlines and blog posts, a company can also improve search engine optimization and the chances of reading and sharing its content by a wide audience. Published content is the root of effective SMO. Professional content creation tools can be very useful. These may include editing programs such as Photoshop, GIMP, Final Cut Pro, and Dreamweaver. Many websites also offer customization options, such as different layouts, to customize a page and create a point of difference.


In recent years, Facebook has become a popular advertising channel, alongside traditional forms such as television, radio and the print media. With more than one billion active users and 50% of them logging into their accounts every day, this is an important communication platform that businesses can use and optimize for promote their brand and drive traffic to their websites. There are three commonly used strategies for increasing the reach of Facebook advertising:

Improved message effectiveness, achieved by adjusting the length and timing of messages to influence the number of likes and comments received. This will help the publication reach more Facebook users, ultimately increasing its reach.

Increase the size of the network by analyzing user behavior to determine the frequency of publication and the type of content to publish.


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