Search Engine Optimization Services Company in Lahore

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

How to choose a good SEO company for your business

When it comes to choosing a reputable company to manage your Search Engine Optimization Company, there is a right way and a wrong way to proceed with the hiring process. On today’s Whiteboard, Rand identifies the common flaws to be avoided and the advice he should take when it comes to selecting an agency or consultant to optimize his site for search engines. SEO, take note: here are also great ideas on how to promote yourself to customers!

Do not make these mistakes

Logic makes a lot of sense here if you think about it in a simplistic way. Simplistic thinking is a good SEO company. It will make an excellent job for the SEO Company or SEO consultant or SEO consultant in addition to the name of my city. So, if I’m looking for the Search Engine Optimization Company in Lahore, I just have to search Google for the “best Lahore SEO” and surely the number one company will appear at the top. But, unfortunately, what happens is that most of the companies are very good, those that are in great demand, those that do an excellent job and get excellent references, do not really need to rank here. They are overwhelmed with customers all the time because their clients refer them to people and many people in their network refer them to them. They have a high customer retention. Many people are very satisfied. They are earning a lot of money and are incredibly busy, so they do not spend any work optimizing their own website to get new clients.

Digital Marketing Services in Lahore

As a result, you often stay with some of the feces here. Many of the companies that rank well for the best SEO plus the name of the city or the best SEO plus a region or a particular specialty, such as the best e-commerce SEO, are not the best. In fact, they are people who simply do not have work with their clients, so they are concentrating all their energy in trying to obtain new clients. Sometimes, maybe, you can find some good people there. It’s just not a great filter.

Relying on the “Top SEO” lists

Many people will look for “best SEO” or “best SEO consultants” or “best SEO companies”, “best SEO companies in the Pakistan’s”. They will come to a website like, I do not know, or There are several types of websites that are essentially aggregators. Their business model is that they try to qualify for terms like this, and then sell those listings, the listings on their page, to firms and SEO companies. When DMT was a consulting company many, many years ago, they called us and said: “Hey, do you want to be number 3? We can become number 3 on the list of the best SEO companies for $ 20,000 a year. Turn it into number 1, but you will have to pay $ 75,000 a year. “

That’s not a big … I mean it’s a great model for them. Do not get me wrong but that payment scheme to play is not reliable for you as a consumer of SEO companies. You would never trust someone who said, “Well, what is the best restaurant in this particular region?” You would never go to a list where restaurants only paid. That would give you the conglomerates and the people who can spend more and the worst. Do not trust those types of lists.

There are some lists, there are some websites, places. Obviously, there is DMT’s recommended SEO list, which is just my personal recommendations and the recommendations of my network. You cannot pay to be there. You cannot pay to be listed. Some of them are more reliable. We will try to link with some of those good ones at the end of this board.

My recommended process for choosing a SEO company:

Step 1

I want you to establish, feel with your team, with your CEO, with your executive team, your board of directors, whoever you have, and discover the goals you are trying to achieve with Search Engine Optimization Company in Lahore. Why do you want to do SEO? Why do you want to sort organically for keywords? Then, find out how you will judge success versus failure. In this process, there are good objectives and bad objectives.

Good goals

I want to be in front of many people who are investigating this, so we need traffic from these specific groups. I know they are searching for this. Cool.

We are trying to increase revenues, and we are trying to increase them through new sales and Search Engine Optimization Company is a sales channel. Well

We are trying to increase downloads, free subscriptions or free trials. Also a good goal.

We are trying to boost the feeling of our brand. Maybe if you Google some of our brand terms today, there are some bad reviews, there are many good reviews that are below them, and we want to push the good and the bad. Penalty fee. Feeling, that could be something you’re driving too. You know that a lot of people are investigating your brand or the terms of your brand. Those are all good goals.

Bad goals

We only want traffic, more traffic. Why? Well, because we want it. Terrible, terrible goal. Traffic is not an objective in itself. If it says: “Well, we want more traffic because we know that search traffic turns out well for us and here are the statistics, excellent. Now it is a thing that generates income.

Classifications by themselves, unfortunately this is a vanity thing that many people have where they want to classify for something simply because they want to qualify for that. Usually, a bad sign for SEO companies considering customers. You should not have that on your goal list. That is not a positive goal.

Beat a particular competitor by specific words or phrases. Again it is not a great goal. It does not directly lead to income. It does not directly lead to the objectives of the organization.

Metrics of vanity. I still see people saying, “Hey, does anyone know a great SEO company that can help increase our domain authority or our Majestic trust or, worse, our Google Page Rank?” Google abandoned Page Rank years ago. It’s terrible. Metrics of vanity, bad ideas too.

Step 2

Once you have a list of these good goals for which you are trying to optimize, my suggestion is that you should put together a list of generally three to five, I think it is the correct comfort zone. You can do more if you have the bandwidth to evaluate more, but from three to five, at least, consultants or agencies. Those could be for a lot of criteria. You could say, “Hey look we really need someone in our region so we can meet with them in person or at least someone who can fly with us regularly. Maybe it’s a requirement for you. Or you could say, “That’s not important, the remote control is great.” Good, wonderful. You could say something like: “Our price range or our budget is this in particular.”

You want to find any of these criteria and make sure you have a list of three to five people that you can consider against each other. Have some conversations with them and depend the references.

Step 3

I like to recommend that people choose between these four things:

The confidence you have established with a company. That is through references, through conversation, through the people with whom you have spoken in your network.

Through references. If you listen to good references and trust those sources of references that is a wonderful sign.

Through the style of communication they coincide. If your communication style, even if everything else is good, but when you have conversations, you get away from them feeling a bit frustrated, maybe you have the things you needed, but it did not flow smoothly, I would suggest that maybe that’s a mismatch cultural and should look for another provider.

Price structure and contracts. Many SEO companies have a contract structure that is from month to month and that has a certain amount of time. You should expect to pay some upfront payment and then a continuous monthly fee. Usually, there is a time when the payment will be repeated and the contract will be renewed. It is quite similar to many other services, consulting types of agreements, so you should expect that. If you’re seeing very unusual things, that can be a bad thing sometimes, but not always. Many times SEO have more creative prices, and that’s fine.

Professional advice

Three pro tips:

If SEO needs to be a core competency in your company, bring it internally. An agency or a consultant can never do so much with as many resources, with as much communication, as someone internal can do. Starting with an external advisor and then bringing someone into the company is a good way to do it.

If the quality SEO people you are considering are too expensive, my suggestion could be: “Okay, how about you advise us about the job and hire an internal person, maybe who is more beginner? That person? “That can work well, again, especially if you have that budget to take that person to the company. Remember that SEO is not for everyone. SEO is extremely competitive. Page 1 gets 95% more clicks. The 3 or 4 main results get more than 70% of those clicks, 65% or 70%. Most of the time, if you cannot afford to still do SEO or participate seriously, it may not be so valuable to move from the ranking on page five for many of your key terms to page two or the bottom of page one. Unless you have the budget and the energy to really commit to SEO, it could be a channel you consider later.


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