What Influence Does Readability Have On SEO, You Ask?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

What Influence Does Readability Have On SEO, You Ask?

Being on top of Google is great and all that, but you won’t stay there long if you can’t compile a readable, fun article. If your perfectly optimized blog post does not read well, visitors will not get stuck and browse the rest of your site.

However, if your content is attractive, well-formulated and grammatically spectacular, your readers will have faith in what they read; they can respond, share, buy or view further articles. On the other hand, an introductory paragraph full of misplaced apostrophes and phrases swinging into the abyss is a sure way to turn readers into their droves.

What does this mean for the SEO Services in Lahore of your site? Well, “time On-page” and “bounce rate” are two key factors when Google weighs the dignity of your site for the top position in the SERPs. This means that scaring all your readers away with unreadable content that the rankings of your site begin to suffer regardless of all those well-positioned keywords.

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In addition to pleasing human eyes, you also write for Google. Although ‘readability’ is not specifically mentioned as one of the 200 ranking factors established by Google, different references to the quality of content mean that readability has naturally become a crucial factor in SEO. So, to reformulate our earlier question – although it is clear that a poor copy will displace sensitive eyeballs, how does SEO affect Google’s readability? The factors for ranking Google’s readability include:

Content Length

It’s as simple as this: longer articles are more likely to answer the user’s question. A 100-word message will not contain the same amount of information as a 1000-word article. A recent survey of ranking factors showed that the average top result from Google contained around 1900 words.

Abbreviation for term frequency – reverse document frequency (don’t worry, you don’t have to remember that), this factor looks at how often certain terms are used to accurately determine the subject of a piece. Synonyms and relevant industry buzzwords are useful – if you repeat your keyword in its exact form, the legibility and quality of your piece will deteriorate.

Keyword Density

Yes, your keyword (s) must be spread throughout the text, but many sites fall short here: shoeshine keywords in copy is a brilliant way to make yourself sound like a clumsy robot that generates text randomly. Instead, get creative and find ways to integrate your keywords without ruining the flow and intelligence of the piece.

Be subtle with your keyword density to prevent it from sounding like a defective robot.

Page Covers Topic in Depth

This is a tricky one because Google is not particularly familiar with details about how their algorithm assesses whether a topic is comprehensive or not. However, it goes without saying that a high-quality, legible article touches the heart of the matter under discussion and provides a satisfactory amount of information.

Grammar and Spelling

Good old Matt Cutts at Google is cautious about the exact importance of this, but it is certainly a factor in rankings and moreover – a well-written copy is a great trust indicator when a potential customer visits your site. Think carefully before you order the “plane cheese burger” from the restaurant menu.

Reading Level

Google once gave us information about the reading level of articles. That information has since been hidden from the eyes of curious SEO, and there is some discussion about how Google uses the data. It is often assumed that a low to moderate reading level has a broader appeal and can therefore help the ranking of a SERP.

Useful Content

Many SEO believe that Google regards “quality” and “useful” content as two separate things. For example, if you were looking for advice on headache treatment, you would not particularly want to read an in-depth study about the chemistry behind headache. Although a page on this topic may be of a high quality, the depth of it would prevent it from being particularly useful. A basic page with different remedies would score higher in theory, because it simply answers the question the user asks.

These are the most important factors for ranking legibility. However, legibility extends beyond your own site and is also worth considering in your link building strategy.

For make more content for your business website visit Digital Media Trend.



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