How to Build a Marketing Plan for Your Mobile Application?

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

How to Build a Marketing Plan for Your Mobile Application?

There is no shortage of applications in the market: around 5 million to date! Even so, most users access less than 20 applications per month, and spend most of their time in a single favorite application.

Needless to say, for application owners and vendors, it is difficult…

In this guide, we will lay the foundation for a solid mobile marketing plan. With the six steps below, you will be on track to generate more awareness and application downloads:

Know Your Audience

Unless it is Facebook or Google (which claims 8 of the 10 main applications), your application will be more suitable for a niche market. Knowing your audience, where to find them and how to attract them is the first stop on the mobile marketing journey.

There are some effective ways to get to the bottom of this, which do not require tons of resources. In fact, they can be easily achieved, even for owners of exclusive applications that handle all marketing.

Social Media

App Store Optimization (ASO)

With so many applications on the market, obtaining visibility for your application in the application store is very difficult. However, just as you should maximize your SEO services in Lahore efforts to improve organic traffic, you can do the same for your application with App Store Optimization (ASO).

A few basic steps can be of great help to give your application the best opportunity in an app store with excess stock. Start by focusing on the name of your application, which is one of the key features you define and the first thing your potential customers will notice. You only have room for a brief description of your application, so make each word count. Be sure to intensify your images, including the thumbnail image that appears on the search page of the app store, and the screenshots in your description. Finally, be sure to choose the best category for your application so that customers who are attentive find it in the right place.

These Are The Most Important To Start:

Research your market: Monitor the application landscape by researching your competitors and industry. Search for applications in your category, download them and see how they are.

Read what users say about similar applications, explore application reviews and explore social networks. Subscribe to blogs in your industry and consult relevant case studies. If you don’t have the resources for focus groups or research reports, don’t worry.

Fortunately, the Internet is an incredible window for your competitors and potential audience. In short, become an online detective!

Develop people: a popular technique to meet your audience is to create “typical” profiles of your ideal client. All it takes is a little imagination.

If you were to describe a typical user of your application, what would it be like?

  • Years?
  • Work?
  • Native city?
  • Hobbies?

Keep answering these types of questions until you have a “customer” developed on the page in front of you. You can end up with a variety of different people, and that’s fine. Building these characters will help you during the next stages.

Create messages: Once you have defined your audience, the next step is to discover how to talk to them. Return to your market research and characters to start developing a suitable language for your messages, content and design.

For example, if your target audience is teenagers who love skateboarding, the message will be completely different from that of an audience of middle-aged insurance professionals. It is an extreme example, but you get an idea!

Build a Website

If you thought there were many applications in the world, you would be surprised to discover that there are 1.8 billion websites! No matter the number, if you are marketing a mobile application, then you really need a website.

However, none of the millions of static and inactive websites that saturate the Internet. To stand out, you need a dynamic and interesting website that actively drives people to your page in the app store.

In addition to an impressive design and irresistible CTA, you can host a blog, offer special offers or create a newsletter subscription.

These are great ways to create an email list that you can use to market the functions of your application directly to committed customers. And with mobile users doing most of their browsing on their phones, don’t forget to create a killer mobile site to promote your application.

Create a Content Marketing Strategy

Then you have an application, a website and an optimized list in the app store. But your application will not download itself. Now, you must develop a rich content strategy to raise awareness and participation of your application. This swirl of interest online is what will drive people to press the download button.

For content marketing to be effective, there are two key things to remember:

First, good content marketing never rests. You need to create and promote content regularly. One blog post per month is not going to be enough. If you want to be seen and heard, you must be consistent.

Second, its content must be of high quality and should give value to the audience. That means informative, entertaining, educational and everything else. Generic or boring content will not generate traffic.

It’s not just about blogging. In fact, there are tons of types of content that you can use to change your activity:

  • Demo videos
  • Articles of influence
  • Comments and testimonials
  • Interviews
  • Podcasts
  • Promotions, gifts and contests.
  • Interactive content, such as questionnaires or surveys.

Go For Paid Ads

Even with the best organic efforts, you will not get maximum exposure without spending on advertising. Fortunately, there are many affordable and effective ways to advertise online.

Often, a combination of these different types of ads and platforms will give you the best results:

Ads in the application: Promote your application with ads that appear in other applications. It is one of the most popular forms of mobile advertising. It is probably because the vast majority of mobile device users spend most of their time using applications, instead of browsing the mobile web.

Social ads: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn offer fairly advanced targeting options for sponsored ads or payments. With 2.5 billion social media users worldwide, discover good results that don’t break the bank.

Search Ads: Have your application appear at the top of the search engine results (SERP) pages by paying for search engine advertising. For niche industries, it can be a very effective way to put your name on the cover.

Image ads: an old favorite, image ads have been plagued by notoriously low conversion rates. However, as a basic element of the online advertising ecosystem, even beyond Google Ads, it is a channel that you will want to consider to increase visibility.

Native ads: Native advertising recently surpassed graphic ads in advertising investment. As newcomers to online advertising, native ads are popular because they get results. Native ads are seen 53% more than display, and increase purchase intention by almost 20%. You can promote native ads as “recommended content” on networks. And with robust guidance tools such as Lookalikes and interest orientation, the means to reach your best audience are at your fingertips.

Monitoring and Testing: Everything

Once you are working with your marketing plan, the work is not over. Now comes the optimization stage. In reality, it is less a stage than a continuous process of refining your marketing activities over and over again to continuously achieve the best results.

This involves setting up the tracking of all your assets online so you can see which campaigns or websites work best. Then, you can adjust your assets to maximize the functions that have the greatest impact and discard tactics that don’t seem to be working.

You can do it with Google Analytics or other software such as HotJar or Kissmetrics. For performance marketing specialists who are more technology experts, you can focus on tricks and tips, such as these, to manually modify your campaigns.

Another tactic is to perform A / B tests on your online assets. By running the same ad or content simultaneously with small variations of CTA, headlines, images and more, you can see which version generates better results. The data obtained from the A / B tests provide powerful ideas on how to build your future campaigns and what content resonates with what audience. Check out this great introduction to the A / B tests.

The End Is Just The Beginning

Developing an application is half the job. The other half is about taking it to the market! But you need a plan. Some aspects of creating an application marketing plan are the same as anything else. For example, “Know your audience” is a key principle, no matter what you are selling. However, there are other elements, such as ASO, that are exclusive to mobile application marketing.

Follow the six general steps described above to start your mobile application marketing plan. Then, your plan can continue to grow and evolve, along with the incredible results of your application!

For more detail visit Digital Media Trend.


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