10 Tips for Promoting your E-Commerce Site

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

10 Tips for Promoting your E-Commerce Site

Focus on the site design

There is no point in deploying a strategy to attract visitors if the site is not able to hold their attention when they arrive on it. Your e-commerce site must be fast, attractive, easy to use, while clearly showing where and how you can make a purchase.

Developing compelling content for SEO

Many people think of SEO as a kind of manipulation that will bring visitors to your site like magic. According to Naeem Akhtar, Founder and Creative Director of the DMT Digital Marketing Company, the days when we paid SEO experts to ensure the success of an e-commerce site are behind us. Boosting your traffic and sales now requires compelling content. Addressing SEO in this way, with powerful marketing content, will give much more results on Google than trying to deceive it.

Create Engagement and sharing with its Content

According to Search engine, the rules of the game of SEO are constantly changing, which is why deliver unique and interesting content that is loved, put in favorites, tweeted, shared, etc. remains essential. “Google and other search engines are increasingly focusing on rich, shared content on social networks,” says David Wright. “Strive to write 1500 words or more, with images, videos and relevant text to get the most out of your posts.”

Thinking long train for long-term Success

Using long tail keywords is a useful way to increase your traffic. “Instead of just creating link for generic key phrases (such as” gourmet coffee “) that involves a large volume of research, companies should focus primarily on specific brands and objects,”. “While there may be a lower volume of research for a specific product (” Colombian Decaffeinated Black Coffee “), the likelihood of a user browsing for the purpose of buying is significantly higher for a long trolling search.

Advertising can Yield

Fresh and shareable content will help you climb Google’s rankings, but if you want to increasing your direct traffic through well-placed ads. Supposing your site is brand new and does not run on organic Google traffic, the best thing you can do is place paid advertising. The organic and the social are both very important and you cannot afford to ignore them in the long run, but if you just started out and you need that little initial boost for your traffic. Do not hesitate to use some advertising.

Be social

Once these efforts have paid off and you have visitors (both organic and direct), the key is to make sure they buy something by making them want to like you or follow you on social networks. “Post a popup with an extra promo or contest for a like or a share and they will then be exposed to your advertising forever

Do not overlook Pinterest and Instagram

Social networks are often summarized on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. But do not forget the visual power of Pinterest, Instagram and even Slideshare. “Pinterest is a powerful tool for promoting your e-commerce site. Build your followers community and influence by delivering quality content and engaging users.

Focus on the Reach of influencers

Maybe your own social media usage and your followers do not generate enough traffic or the brand awareness you need. This is the moment when you have to call the experts – influencers who have a loyal fan base can give you a hand. “Get in touch with influencers who have the type of audience you are trying to reach.

Adopt Emailing

While social networks are an incredibly useful tool for promoting your e-commerce site, do not forget the power of a targeted and relevant email newsletter or campaign. “It’s incredibly important to set up a number of email campaigns to build trust and interact with potential customers during all stages of the buying process.

Perform analyzes

Once you have ticked all the boxes above, you should have enough incoming traffic to do a little analysis. “Google Analytics is great for e-commerce; you can analyze page-by-page performance and identify products that work poorly.

Retarget your Users

In the old days, unless you capture the email address of visitors when they were on your site, once they were gone, it was over, probably forever. Due to advances in online advertising, this is no longer the case. “Now you no longer have to look at customers as losses when they leave your site because remarketing can bring them back to your site and give them a new buying opportunity.

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