The 4 Pillars of Modern Digital Marketing Strategies

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

The 4 Pillars of Modern Digital Marketing Strategies and the Only Thing You Can’t Do Without

The modern digital marketing strategy is constantly evolving, but there are several constants that continue to drive success for companies. Whether your business is blue or white collar, B2B or B2C, a complete digital strategy is essential for business success in a market dominated by the power of the Internet.

Consider this your introduction to the essential elements of Digital Marketing Services in Lahore. In this guide we will explain everything that companies need to know in order to succeed online. From what digital marketing really is to why it is important, and the four most effective digital marketing channels that can benefit any business. Use the links below to jump to a section within the guide or continue reading to learn all about digital marketing and how it can benefit your small and medium business.

  • What is the digital marketing?
  • Why is digital marketing important?
  • How does it work?
  • The 4 best digital marketing channels
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay per click advertising (PPC)
  • Content Marketing
  • Social media marketing

The only thing that every digital marketing strategy needs.

Digital Marketing Services in Lahore

What is the digital marketing?

Simply put, digital marketing is any marketing strategy that focuses online and uses related applications or platforms, such as search engines, websites and social networks, to promote your brand, services and products. It uses several digital channels to achieve its unique business objectives, from improving brand awareness to finding new potential customers and increasing conversions.

Why is digital marketing important?

It is very rare that a person does not use the Internet these days. According to the We Are Social 2018 Digital Report, more than half of the world’s population, that is, around 4 billion people, are Internet users and almost the same amount is active on social networks. This represents a 7% increase for global Internet users compared to 2017 and a 13% increase in active users of social networks. The same report noted that in Pakistan, 88% of the population are Internet users and 69% of the population is active on social networks. Looking at these statistics, it is clear both in Australia and throughout the world; Internet has our attention and digital marketing is the best way for your business to reach this massive audience. 

How does digital marketing work?

With so many people using the Internet, it may seem too big an arena to cause an impact. However, digital marketing not only spreads its message to the entire Internet. It focuses on a specific audience that is interested in what it is offering and uses the most relevant channels to reach them. For example, an online fashion boutique may want to target its marketing towards young women, and they can do so with a combination of organic publications and social media ads. Another example could be an accounting firm that searches for more clients in your local area. In this case, a search engine marketing campaign focused on your main location and surrounding suburbs can help.

By addressing your audience in this way, you can also remain competitive in your industry. Whether there are big brands that are already succeeding in your field or a very popular industry like plumbing, a strong digital marketing presence can help you succeed no matter how many others are pushing for the same audience.

The most effective digital marketing strategy will be customized according to your business objectives and use the best channels to achieve them. However, there is no single formula that can be trusted, there are some channels that will benefit all companies. Below we will detail more about these.

The 4 Main Types of Digital Marketing and The Channels That Every Company Should Use

Online marketing is a complex discipline that requires unique solutions for each business. It is not as simple as going to the nearest digital agency and paying for a ready-to-use solution. Instead, you should carefully consider your business, your target market and your available marketing channels to achieve the best ROI for your digital marketing strategy.

While your business needs a unique strategy, there are four key types of digital marketing that you should consider as part of your success.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is one of the most powerful digital marketing strategies available to any company. With almost all purchases, whether online or not, preceded by a Google search, it is essential that your business is found when potential customers come to search. A good digital agency can make your website rank keywords quite quickly, although this can often be affected by the competitiveness of your keywords.

The competitiveness of keywords is basically the number of websites that try to rank for that keyword, and the most searched keywords will often be quite difficult to rank. While the DMT team can classify websites for all types of keywords, the more competitive a keyword is, the more resources we will need to achieve the desired result, and that can increase the cost that your company has to pay to reach A certain point on Google.

When you approach any marketing tactic, you not only need to consider whether you can get a return on investment and if what you are trying to achieve is reasonable for your budget. Marketing costs money, and while any budget can get excellent SEO results, if you try to rank highly competitive keywords in a shoe chain budget, you may have to think again.

Pay Per Click Advertising – Google AdWords

Search engine marketing consists of several separate digital techniques, which are no more successful than PPC, called Google AdWords for those who advertise on Google. Google AdWords allows you to pay to appear at the top of Google searches and, like SEO, can produce excellent results for companies of all sizes.

AdWords works based on cost per click, basically you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, and that makes it one of the most efficient marketing techniques available. Because you’re targeting certain keywords and phrases, you should only show your ad to people interested in what your company has to offer, although this is where a poorly built AdWords campaign can cost your company money, we have some tips for Help him out of an AdWords quagmire here.

The immediate effect that AdWords campaigns have on a company’s digital success is one of the reasons why it has become so popular among companies of all sizes. Unfortunately, this popularity has raised the price of the click for some of the high traffic keywords and phrases, this means that you need an intelligent online marketing strategy to maximize your ROI and reduce the cost of your AdWords campaign.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is perhaps the most comprehensive and complex of all digital marketing strategies. It includes a wide variety of content, from blogs and white papers, to EDM, landing pages, press releases and more. This is not a simple topic to address, and that is why we have a definitive guide for those looking to really understand how content marketing can help your business.

The complexities of content marketing mean that this is an area that requires real experience to ensure that your digital marketing strategy is getting the proverbial investment for your money. The waste of energy and resources in content streams that are not suitable for your business can be costly and quickly deplete your digital marketing budget.

Content marketing is perhaps the most powerful digital marketing strategy that companies can take advantage of. With the ability to fully customize your marketing strategy for your business objectives, you can use well-written content to communicate directly and be sold to a wide audience.

Social Media

Surprisingly, social networks have been slowly adopted by a large number of companies, and there are too many examples of companies entering blind social media marketing. This, unfortunately, can generate not only waste of resources and a net cost to the business but, in the worst case, a great damage to the reputation of a company.

At DMT, we know how powerful a carefully researched social campaign can be. With millions of Pakistani stuck to their phones, social networks are nothing more than a goldmine for companies with the desire to pursue their target market.

One thing that many companies say is that social networks will not work for them, and in most cases, that is not true. There is the opportunity for all types of businesses, new and old, B2C or B2B, to use social networks to increase their customer base, as long as they receive the right advice along the way.

Like any other digital marketing strategy mentioned here, it is important to use the appropriate social media techniques to obtain a solid ROI from your marketing strategy, and in most cases this will involve the use of social media as a part key to your content marketing strategy.

The only thing that your digital marketing strategy cannot succeed without.

There really can’t be a single secret ingredient that is included in all successful digital marketing strategies, right?

Yes, there is, and it is very simple that many small and large Australian companies do not use correctly. 


Data is everything for a digital marketing campaign, without it you are blind.

Many digital channel techniques rely on intelligent and segmented data to ensure that they really succeed. From content marketing to SEO and PPC, collecting data about your current and potential customers is the only way to build a successful campaign.

The easiest way for any company to ensure they have data at hand is to use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This software has the key to the doors of the marketing paradise and, personally, as a content seller, working without one is like a visit to purgatory. CRMs allow you to store virtually all imaginable data on your customer base, and the good ones allow you to convert that data into marketing segments targeting your digital marketing campaigns.

The four pillars of digital marketing are excellent marketing techniques that you should consider for your business, but if you delete one thing from this blog, it should be this: invest in a CRM.

Develop a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy with DMT

As one of Pakistani leading Digital Marketing Agency in Lahore for more than 6 years, Digital Media Trend is dedicated to helping small and medium businesses thrive. We have expert teams to help you achieve your business objectives with web design, SEO, social networks, content marketing and PPC. For a personalized digital marketing strategy, contact our team.


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