Variations of Web Hosting and Its Benefits

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Web Hosting and Its Benefits

For the most part, what makes choosing a web hosting provider so challenging is that there are so many different types of hosting. Limiting choices is often as easy as finding a solution that fits your personal or business needs. To give you an idea of what is available, we have provided some details about the most common types of web hosting.

Web Hosting Services in Lahore is about making a web page available via the World Wide Web, with an internet connection, for everyone around the world to gain access. As it becomes a necessary need in today’s world, these services are offered for free under many circumstances.

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There are different types of website hosting because the requirements of each individual may differ.

Free Web Hosting

There is free web hosting, where the user can host the web page completely free of charge. These companies will be powered by advertisements. Most free hosting services go to the personal web pages because they may not need too much support for the database.

However, if you have a professional website, you should completely avoid free hosting. The disadvantages of free services:

The Benefits Include:

  • No domain names.
  • Banner ads on your site, pop-ups or pop-unders.
  • Limited software additions.
  • Limited possibility to expand or move files.
  • No databases to run useful software, including blog tools.
  • Poor security.
  • No or limited technical support.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is nowadays the most common form of web hosting. After free services, this is also the most cost-effective. With shared hosting you literally share server space and resources with other web hosting customers. This arrangement requires that you share disk storage, bandwidth, CPU, RAM and generally also an IP address. Shared hosting offers providers the possibility to offer a cheaper service, because the customers essentially pay for the costs of the hardware and essential resources. Although you have no control over the web server, you have control over your site through a control panel application.

Then we can look at the shared hosting, where a website is hosted on the same server as many other sites. It can count from a hundred to many thousands. The server resources are common in this case. If you have a sudden peak in traffic, your site may be at risk of suspension due to an increased use of resources. In contrast, there is clustered hosting, where different servers host the same webpage. Most shared hosting companies use a Linux platform, some offer a Windows option.

The Benefits Include:

  • Low costs per month, often discounts are available if paid annually.
  • A variety of add-on programs and tools to optimize your site.
  • Your own domain and domain e-mail,
  • Adequate customer support

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting offers more flexibility than shared hosting, because the customer generally retains control over the hosting environment and the choice of operating system. However, the provider remains responsible for the hardware and network management. Most people who know what they need to know about web hosting will use this option.

This option is suitable for large companies and frequently visited websites. The client can use multiple domains and host additional sites on one server. The amount and type of software solutions that you can install is virtually unlimited. The disadvantages are that you have to have much higher skills and that is the most expensive option.

Managed Hosting

Then there is the managed web hosting – a more advanced type of dedicated server hosting. In a managed hosting environment, the provider owns the data centers, the network, the server and other devices and is responsible for their implementation, maintenance and monitoring.

The customer retains full control over their operating systems and applications. This balance of responsibilities ensures levels of security, scalability and uptime that far exceed standard dedicated hosting and other hosting options.

Virtual Private Server (VPS)

VPS is a shared hosting plan that behaves as a dedicated hosting package. Virtual private servers share one physical server, but work as multiple, separate servers. Each VPS shares hardware resources, but is allocated an assigned portion of the computer resources.

The problem that your hosting neighbors bring down your website has been eliminated with this hosting, while the costs are lower than those of a dedicated server.

Collocation Hosting

The most expensive web hosting is the collocation type. The physical space is supplied by the hosting company and the users own the cola servers. Only certain facilities will be provided for the user with this hosting such as internet and storage. This option requires knowledge and skills. It is used for larger companies with a special IT department or small web host providers.

Examine the potential Web Hosting Services in Lahore carefully before making a decision. In this way you get a quality service at a competitive rate that meets your needs.


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